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走进北京君诚学校,开学一周简报 SIBS Newsletter


  ES Assembly



  To know the school, know the teachers, know ourselves and establish rules is the top priority of SIBS. Therefore, the elementary school organized two assembly activities (K3-G2 and G3-G5). First, the teachers made colorful posters to introduce themselves, guide the students to understand their character strengths, and celebrate and encourage the students. SIBS’s educational concepts are responsibility, caring, kind, respect and trust, the words can be seen everywhere in campus, during the assembly, teachers organized games to make the students understand the meaning of these values, over a long period accumulation, they can form their own sense of value and world view. At the end of the assembly, the teachers also prepared competition prizes for the students, encouraging each student to fully show themselves in the activities and competitions.


  The ES Library transformation has begun




  -图书馆迎来了新的专业教师:Anita Claasz,她在澳洲取得了教师图书管理的硕士学位,拥有20多年雄厚的课堂教学经验以及图书馆管理经验,深受学生们的喜爱。

  SIBS is committed to ensuring that all students foster a love of reading. Reading does more than entertain or give readers information; reading enhances spelling and vocabulary and teaches empathy. To build that within SIBS, we have begun the process of revitalizing the key learning space in the reading process: the library.

  Books have been relocated and re-labelled for easy student access.

  New layout, carpet, furniture and signage all assist with making our library a fun and exciting place to be.

  But we are still under construction. We will keep you informed as we continue to create an inspiring and dynamic space for our students.

  Yours in reading, Anita Claasz (Teacher Librarian)


  MS/HS parents coffee salon


  - Athletics 体育活动

  - STEM 科技课程

  -Orchestral Ensemble 管弦乐合奏

  - Debate 辩论赛

  -Model United Nations 模拟

  -Business Management 商务管理

  -Math Olympics 奥数

  -Computer Programing 电脑程式设计

  -Student Government 学生会

  -Performing Arts 表演艺术

  此外,君诚中学部还设有专业的辅导主任顾问,由Valery Cooper担任。她在英国利兹大学获得了心理学硕士学位,并已担任国际学校的辅导员十多年,有着非常丰富的心理咨询和大学升学指导经验。家长也可移步:诚谈 | Valery Cooper:青少年时期是对家长和孩子的双重考验 阅读她的专访。

  On Wednesday, MS&HS held parents coffee salon with the theme of "to enrich scientific curriculum setting". The foreign principal Dan and Dr. Paul introduced to the parents the new changes in the curriculum of the middle school, including the increase of the proportion of English classes, science courses and professional courses of art and design. In the period of ASA elective courses, students of MS&HS can participate in various associations and clubs,which greatly enrich campus life. These activities include:



  -Orchestral Ensemble


  -Model United Nations

  -Business Management

  -Math Olympics

  -Computer Programing

  -Student Government

  -Performing Arts

  In addition, SIBS MS&HS also has a professional psychological consultant director, Valery Cooper. She obtained a master's degree in psychology from the University of Leeds, UK, and has been working as a counselor in an international school for more than 10 years,with rich experience in psychological counseling and university guidance.


  Be ready for our concert band programme

  本周,为了准备新年音乐会的乐队节目,君诚学校购买了大批的新乐器。所有中学部的学生(G6-G12)都将开始他们在新学年的第一期乐队课程,大家都非常兴奋,围着新乐器开始“研究”起来。通过专业的课程,学生们可以学习到关于每一种乐器(外观和声音)的演奏方法,以及如何配合、演奏交响乐。在Mandy Hollingshead老师的带领下,学生们一起在讨论、研究乐队在音乐会上的最终演奏曲目。Mandy老师在美国波士顿大学取得了音乐教育的硕士学位,作为一名国际教育者,她是Google认证创新奖的获得者,同时也是Google教育培训师和Apple杰出教育家。

  This week, the new instruments for our concert band programme started to arrive! All students in Grade 6-12 who are enrolled in music this year will be a part of this inaugural programme at SIBS. They are currently in the "research" phase, learning a bit about each instrument (how it looks and sounds) to make decisions with their teacher, Ms Mandy, on what they will play for the rest of the year. We are all very excited to be starting this programme.


  Preschool weekly event




  The kids explored the shadows this week, first selecting their favorite toys and objects under the light. Understand the process of shadow formation, and observe the shadow changes under different angles and distances. In the fun game of stepping on shadows, children not only train their dodge and run ability in the simplest running and chasing shadows, but also improve their flexibility and coordination.

  "Lotus" activity has been continued for two weeks, the children under the leadership of the teacher, watched the loss of water lotus leaf, then they tore lotus leaf into small pieces, added red dates, medlar, bubble on a pot of lotus tea, smelled, blew, slowly tasted , the kids also made lotus tea bag.