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  In the afternoon on May 22nd, BCCSC and BCS held their second biannual English comprehension competition. Each year this competition is held twice to better encourage students to participate in English reading, listening, speaking and writing activities with a focus on practical use and comprehension.



  This day’s events were divided into lower and higher elementary grades. The first competition for grade 1 and grade 2 is about English handwriting since it is the basic skill and has been traditionally highly valued at our school. Students have to write the story chosen from their English books on the lined paper provided. The duration of the competition is 30 minutes during which all the children spare no efforts to make their handwriting impeccable. The standard of work sent in is brilliant and made the judging very hard. It is a difficult task of choosing only two winners per class. After much deliberation 22 students are chosen as overall winners for their class and their work will be displayed in our school.

  此次活动分为小学低年级组和高年级组两部分。小学一二年级的学生们在英语老师的指导下进行英文书法比赛及猜单词比赛。 比赛共两项内容,第一项是书法比赛。英语书写是学生在英语学习过程中一项重要的基本功,参赛选手在规定时间(30分钟)内现场完成指定的一篇英语篇章,要求书写规范、整洁、美观、大方。比赛过程中学生们热情高涨,神情专注,书写工整端正,经过我校评委老师从字迹、内容等方面综合评价,认真评选, 22份优秀作品脱颖而出。

  After that, the students participate in the word search competition, which has 3 levels of difficulty. To make it more interesting, word puzzles are designed as different shapes of each level. Students have to search and circle the word on the word puzzle as fast as they can because the time is limited (20minutes) and the one who can find the most words in his class will win the game. Students participate in it with a lot of excitement and passion.

  接下来是word puzzle比赛,Word puzzle分为3个级别,分别由简到难,为了增加趣味性,每个级别的字母排列都设置了不同的形状。参赛选手要在规定时间内完成3个级别的题,找出的单词最多的同学为获胜者。比赛中同学们热情投入,沉着冷静,现场气氛紧张而有序,他们全力以赴发挥自己的能力,争取获得最好的成绩。

  The event provides students a chance to show their abilities and skills. It is also help them to enhance the awareness of the importance of handwriting skills and vocabulary accumulation. Most importantly, they can have fun from English learning. Well done to our winners and all of the children who entered the competition.

  本次比赛不仅丰富了学生的校园文化生活,也给学生一个充分展 示自己的舞台,进一步激发了他们学习英语的兴趣,让每一个学生认识到英语规范书写的重要性,扩充英语单词量,同时也享受到了英语学习的快乐。


  The higher elementary grades (3-6) performed in an English career show and speech competition. All competitors were selected for the final round after having a successful run through the preliminaries. Here we have a postman representative from class 3-3. He’s delivering letters of appreciation to all the foreign English teachers. The children were glad to show how thankful they were to their teachers, and the teachers were overjoyed to receive such a wonderful gift.


  The thoughtful volunteers from class 3-1 treated the foreign teachers to enjoyable rice dumplings. The students made rice dumplings live on stage to show off their skills and serves today’s special guests and audience. They used their fluent English to communicate the traditional Chinese legend behind the dragon boat festival.


  After eating rice dumplings, 3-2 managed the happy oranges juice shop. All the waiters and waitresses used English to describe the procedure to making the freshest orange juice to the foreign staff. The happy orange juice shop was so successful that even the audience couldn’t resist it. They were invited up on stage to purchase fresh orange juice for themselves. However, they could only get English service at this juice shop.


  After drinking so much orange juice, our guests began to feel a little ill; too much of a good thing. It’s okay though because the pharmacy run by 4-1 is just around the corner. The doctors and pharmacists are all experienced and can solve any problems the patients have. What’s more is they can provide service completely in English!


  Next door in the traditional Chinese clothing store, the students from 4-2 and 4-3 put on a traditional Chinese costume show. The students introduced their special clothing and told of its cultural significance. Not only are the models good looking, but also they’re fluent English speakers. Their amazing performance easily won the audience’s applause.


  All the student performances are based on practical English that they learned in the classroom. Everything they know is geared towards real life applications. At the end of the career show the students once again thanked all their English teachers for providing them with better opportunities to learn.


  Before the English speech competition gets underway, the audience once again gets to take part. The English quiz portion encourages students to solve various problems while using English thinking to solve them. The quickest and most clever students were able to win prizes.


  Before the English speech competition gets underway, the audience once again gets to take part. The English quiz portion encourages students to solve various problems while using English thinking to solve them. The quickest and most clever students were able to win prizes.



  Facing down the foreign judges questions, our competitors dealt with them calmly and confidently. The English speech competition awarded 2-first place winners, 3-second place winners, and 5-third place winners. All ten winners of today’s competition were awarded with golden trophies to show how fluent and amazing their English abilities are.


  This English competition was greatly enjoyed by all the participants, judges, and students. The students’ enthusiasm for learning English will follow them throughout their studies. For children’s day I wish all of our students better learning and happiness.
